Chainrasp test

Test piece for those Age of Sigmar Chainrasps I picked up.

Rather than the GW ethereal/grim reaper colour scheme, I went for a more earthy look - a bit more decaying cadaver in its burial shroud.  Partly preference, partly because I hate painting large areas of black and white!

Quite pleased with the result.  Deliberately chose to drybrush highlights onto the cloak so I got a rough texture and quite dramatic changes in tone.

The rust came out pretty well too.  I didn't want it too over the top.

The rest of the horde are near complete now.   A few have a greener skin tone, not sure if I like it or not.  I'll post when they're complete.

When they say these are easy to construct, they're not kidding!  They practically snap together.  The downside though is that they're pretty hollow, it' almost impossible to get 100% coverage if you glued them together (as I did).  It won't show from most angles you might see the miniature, but I know it's there!
